Landing Page Solutions

Buy a Domain

Contact the owner and get the domain you want!

You may have arrived at a landing page that identifies the domain that you typed-in. The good news is that the domain may be available for acquisition by purchase or lease at a very reasonable price. Before domain names are sold, we work with domain investors to monetize their direct navigation domain traffic by using our technology to generate new targeted leads for clients while creating a seamless experience to the end user.

Get New Customers


User Implied Traffic


Low Acquisition Cost




Increase your website traffic

DomainerTraffic™ landing page solution creates customized landing pages directly on a clients’ website. Our technology optimizes underutilized domain names with existing type-in traffic to generate new targeted visitors while providing a seamless user experience to the end user.

Domain Investors

DomainerTraffic™ solution provides domain investors with an alternative source of domain name traffic monetization. Clients purchase targeted type-in direct navigation traffic and DomainerTraffic provides the landing page. Contact us about our domain name data organization and monetization solutions.

Buy a Domain

Domain names using our services are owned by their respective owner. Many owners would consider selling their domain name to the right buyer at a very reasonable cost. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the owner, this is an opportunity to get the brand you want at the right price.

Increase Website Traffic

DomainersTraffic™ is a software solution designed to optimize underutilized domain names with existing type-in traffic by creating customized landing pages on your website which can generate new targeted visitors directly for you. Find out more about our solutions.

Domain Investors

It doesn’t matter if you have a portfolio of just a few domains or tens of thousands of domains. If your domain names have type-in direct navigation traffic, we may have clients looking to buy your traffic. We do not accept domains used with email campaigns, spam nor do we accept bot traffic. Fill out the form and see if the domains in your portfolio are a fit.

Schedule an appointment with us

Corporate Headquarters

13405 SW 128 Street Suite 205B Miami, Florida 33186


Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:00